Apparently my sarcasm failed to be conveyed successfully. So it goes.
ok, this is something that i've been wondering about for a while now, so i figured i'd ask my favourite jw forum about it.
of course, it wouldn't surprise me if nobody has even considered this, but it's worth a shot to ask.. does the wts have any doctrine against theatre and film, other than the generic "don't watch anything with an r-rating"??.
my reason for asking this is as follows:.
Apparently my sarcasm failed to be conveyed successfully. So it goes.
and that christmas trees were pagan sticks.
she really did it this time.
he does not understand what a pagan stick is but he sure understands about santa not being real.
Yeah, Grandmom was outta line. I was raised from 8 years old onward with the truth that Santa was a fake. It didnt hurt me. I respected my folks. They actually chose not to play the Santa game, the never promoted Santa as a reality in my life. They felt that one day I would find out they were lying and I wouldn't trust them on other things. This was all preDub days. I respected that. If you want to play the Santa game, hey, its your life.
Gramma, stuff a stocking in it!
ok, this is something that i've been wondering about for a while now, so i figured i'd ask my favourite jw forum about it.
of course, it wouldn't surprise me if nobody has even considered this, but it's worth a shot to ask.. does the wts have any doctrine against theatre and film, other than the generic "don't watch anything with an r-rating"??.
my reason for asking this is as follows:.
Well, I don't think they equate movie screens with the ancient greeks. Acting is something that can bring honor to God, that's why we see such superior productions at the District Conventions. (not for the last five years for me) Remember, if it offends your conscience, pull the plug on the TV and dont go to the movies. We'd hate to see you stumbled from The Way!
i remember when they brought out the new program of pioneer assist.
it appeared that everyone thought it was a marvellous idea.
was anyone invovled in it?
You kill me. TM ...thats a riot! I was SO for awhile and made arrangements for Pio Assists but they never followed through. If they did they would have had to go through the same damn book they hated to go through with interested persons let alone someone obviously trying to fade!!!
Keep it up LDH, you're my hero!
have you ever noticed this?
i mean it could be about something as simple as washing dishes, but they knew how to do it a better way.
has anyone else had an experience with a witness that just knew it all?
Let's face it, a lifetime in the The Theocrafty Minihysterical Skool can make anyone a genius in no time!
first post
just wanted to introduce myself to the group.
i've followed this site for a while, but never have contributed before.
So, you're new Drew?
Well, hop on board, the board, not with the bored, just on the board. Oh, you know what I mean, welcome aboard.
some witnesses might not really believe that they don't have "the truth".
sure, they know about some of the past errors but they bury it because they feel everyone is imperfect and can make mistakes....but are these just simple "mistakes" or is the watchtower organization simply wrong?
what things can you think of that show that the watchtower has a "pattern" of never getting it right---even to this day??
1. Speak love, live without sincerely expressing it.
2. Speak God, live without imitating his loving kindness.
3. Continue learning but never coming to an accurate knowledge of how Jehovah would have them treat others.
the age of 40?.
seems like a lot have left after 1/2 or 2/3 of a lifetime.
what accounts for that in your mind, if you left in later middle years or older?.
Left mentally right about 40, though doubts from 29 on. Left physically a year ago. In fact I had doubts from 16 on, just held fast due to guilt, shall we say? The bulb came on when I was 35 and Its been down hill ever since, for them. For me its been the best thing that ever happened. All the bOrg years were instructive. I can live on nothing and be satisfied. But, now I really enjoy all those gadgets that Satan throws our way so we dont go to meetings or enjoy the repetition of the meetings where we hear the good Snews, again and again and again and again and again and again and again....
i went to many a convention there.
whats this about?
That's kinda cool to see. That's my cousin! Bruce and his wife were axed and no one would say why, just apostacy. Now I see he was actually doing something quite laudable.
I don't live in the same state and haven't seen him since 1997.
You go Bruce!
jehovah's witnesses place great emphasis on world war i proving that the last days started in 1914. what few realise is that world war one started prior to the start of the last days.
the war started in aug whereas the wts claims the last days started on october 2 1914. this means that wwi started during the gentile times and as such can not be claimed to be an indication of the last days.. i asked my pioneer school conductor about this and he claimed that satan started wwi in august as a smokescreen to divert peoples attention from jesus rulership talking place shortly afterwards.
this is an unsubstantiated excuse.
Jesus was tying his shoes in August. Satan was busy going back and forth from the earth till he was kicked out. So while Jesus was bent over tying his shoes Satan started some crap on the earth to throw off the Seventh Day Adventists and the other millinialists from catching on. Of course it took Jesus until 1930 to get through to Rutherford what had really happened.